Top 5 Affiliate Marketing Programs For Beginners ( No Approvals Required)


Top 5 Affiliate Programs For Beginners

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is all about picking a product and promoting it to earn a commission, that's it. In today's post, I will show you the top 5 affiliate programs for beginners that you can select and promote to earn more money. 

These products are so simple to join, anyone can join, you don't need any approval, perfect for any beginner who is just starting on the affiliate marketing journey. I will try and make this post simple and straightforward. 

Hey there,

I am Kwaku from and today I'm more than glad to share with you this complete guide on the Top 5 Affiliate Programs for Beginners that do not need any approval before joining. 

How Can These Affiliate Products Make You 10x More Money?

These products can make you more money through recurring commissions. Let me give you an example, let's say you are promoting a product that cost $50 and your commission is 50% of the cost that's $25. If you run a campaign and get more people to see your campaign and you make 10 sales, that's 10 customers, you earn $250, that's 10 times $25. 

Now, if you are promoting a recurring commission product like the ones I am about to share with you now, with the same scenario I just mentioned, a recurring commission product that cost $50 but 50% recurring commissions and you promote the product for only 10 sales, you earn $250, but recurringly. You will make this $250 every month without promoting, again and again, with no future advertising cost whatsoever. So you will earn $250 every month. 

With the same time, the same effort, and the same products, you will earn $250 every month. This is very important because you are building a stable business with one affiliate product. Let's now move on to product number one.

Another interesting thing about these five affiliate marketing programs for beginners is that when you refer a customer to these programs it's somehow difficult to leave these services. This is because customers will import their contact, they will build sales funnels, so all data will be saved in this software, leaving such software is somehow hard, so you are assured that about 90% of your referrals will keep using the services, which means your monthly recurring commission is guaranteed!

Affiliate Marketing Programs for Beginners

1. GetResponse

GetResponse is an email marketing software. This software is a powerful and simple tool to send an email, create pages, and automate your marketing. GetResponse has two affiliate marketing programs for beginners which is really awesome. The first one Affiliate Bounty Program, you earn $100 for each sale which is great. The second one Affiliate Recurring Program which is a 33% recurring commission for every customer you refer. This is very perfect and that makes the GetResponse Affiliate program the best. 

Also, just sign up with the GetResponse affiliate program, you don't need to request approval. Just signup in one minute you can start promoting, that's awesome!
Another interesting thing about GetResponse Affiliate Program is that, you will get access to affiliate resources email templates and copies, read made banner templates, videos, and text ads to start promoting the program.

2. ActiveCampaign 

ActiveCampaign is number two on my list of affiliate marketing programs for beginners. Sign up doesn't need any approval, just sign up and start promoting to earn commissions, super simple! ActiveCampaign is one of the top Email Marketing campaigns. 

You can click here and sign up for the ActiveCampaign affiliate program. Tell others about ActiveCampaign and earn up to 30% recurring commission. Let's move on to product number three.

3. SEMrush 

SEMrush is an SEO services company, it provides great tools to rank websites on google and get more and more free organic traffic. SEMrush affiliate marketing program is for everyone who wants to make money online fast. 

SEMrush is an affiliate program without approval, you only sign up and start promoting to earn recurring commissions. Run a campaign and start earning a 40% recurring commission every month from the same customers. Let's move on to product number four.

4. ClickFunnels 

Clickfunnels is one of the top software for creating sales funnels on our planet. Clickfunnels affiliate marketing program is the best for beginners. It gives you the opportunity to earn a 40% monthly recurring commission. Clickfunnels is a very powerful sales funnels software and costs around $97 for the basic plan, meaning you can earn up to $40 on every customer every month.

The best way to promote click funnels affiliate program is to create an ebook or guide on your blog, create a video about it on YouTube or you can answer questions on it on Quora and mention your affiliate links. Let's move on to number five on our list, our last product for today.

5. TubeBuddy

TubeBuddy is a tool to help YouTubers grow their YouTube channels. TubeBuddy affiliate marketing program for beginners, no signup approval is required. You can earn up to 30% recurring commission every month and it's 100% free to join. Any country is accepted.

TubeBuddy Affiliate Program


Okay, friend, so that is it for today's post, these are my best affiliate marketing program for beginners; GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, SEMrush, Clickfunnels, and TubeBuddy recurring commissions and do not need strict approval requirements. Just sign up as an affiliate for these programs and let's make money online. 

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